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Scattered thoughts

Don’t you hate it when you have so many thoughts going through your head that you wake up at all hours of the night unable to do anything but let the thoughts cycle through your brain? The irony is that the more sleep I lose, the less energy I have to get stuff done which means the more stuff gets piled up in my brain. Enter vicious cycle.

In my thoughts these days:

  • Operation Game Room sucks. This is a way way worse job than Operation Flooring or Operation Paint Job. I hate this job. I hate clutter. I feel like I am going to stroke out whenever I walk upstairs and have to look at it.
  • We went with Ikea because we can’t afford real furniture. But it’s a step up from what we have in there now and it will match. What is wrong with Ikea that they put numbers on exactly 75% of their boards and intentionally left the other 25% blank? Is that supposed to be funny? It isn’t funny.
  • Addison is obsessed with the two things I dislike most: teeth and school. WHY?!?! What did I do to deserve this? She cannot stop talking about how she can’t wait to lose a tooth. She cannot stop wiggling her damned teeth. This has been going on for months. Now she’s added school to the things she obsesses over. When can she go to Kindergarten? How much longer? She can’t wait to make a whole bunch of friends! It will be SO FUN! Just stab me in the heart, why doncha. I am literally sick over this. But, lucky me, I get to hear about it for another full year!
  • Dalton’s highschool sucks. They are crappy and evil and epitomize everything I dislike about school. Never mind that their sales people flat out lie in order to get you to sign up and then the counselors lie when called on those lies. Now that I finally squared away every last detail with the school, I can finally have access to the courses and I think the course content is probably pretty good but the teachers? Suck. One teacher actually says that additional outside research is expressly prohibited and any knowledge gained or shared during the course will be assumed plagiarism if it wasn’t taken directly from the course.  I think it’s pretty obvious that this is just one lazy teacher who doesn’t want to be bothered to encourage his students to excel or exceed beyond the narrowly defined scope of the course because it would mean that he, too, would have to do extra work to check the facts. Awesome learning  model there.
  • Addison left a surprise word on my computer screen: “Adsin”. She’s known how to spell Addy for years but never asked how to spell Addison. She’s so proud of herself for sounding it out. I can’t bring myself to correct her.
  • I took the most amazing family picture while Paige was here. It was really, by far, the best family portrait I have ever taken of my crew of wild ones. Every single kid was looking at the camera and smiling naturally that full body smile kids do when they are actually happy. It was awesome. And then I formatted my card. I lost it. I am devastated and heartbroken. I actually formatted and then shot and entire shoot over it so there isn’t really even a small probability that I could restore the data since its been written over.
  • I got a cut and highlights. I haven’t had highlights in 2 years and missed them. I’m pretty much not picky. I could have any color highlights and be thrilled. So I like them. And I LOVE the cut. It pays to bring lots of pictures, I guess. Now I really want to get my hair straightened either with Japanese straightening or a keratin treatment.  If only money were unlimited…
  • AT&T sucks. We unplugged the router for 5minutes last night to move furniture around it and then nothing works – no internet, phone or tv. AT&T insisted they needed to come out personally to fix it and would need to do that every time we unplugged it. What.the.holy.hell. I was soo pissed but not as pissed as my husband who required functional internet to do his job. AT&T, of course, couldn’t come out for 24 hours. Guess what? It fixed itself 2 hours later. AT&T kills me.
  • Also what kills me is the iPhone 4. It blows. In case you haven’t heard. My husband just HAD to have one two when they came out and I was willing since my phone was pretty defunct. But this phone is worse. The proximity sensor doesn’t work at all and I randomly put calls on speakerphone,  mute, hang-up and redial random contacts over and over every time I try to talk to anyone. My poor (patient) friends and family!! It is SO annoying and frustrating. And the sound quality is like a tin can. And the reception blows.  I miss my old defunct phone!!
  • To end on a more positive note…I am MUCH more happy with our new virtual academy than the one we tried two years ago. I’m actually excited about it. They are efficient and organized and have amazing planning and scheduling tools. Right now, in this state of chaos, that’s all it takes to make me happy.

2 Comments on “Scattered thoughts

  1. My Droid sometimes calls random contacts on its own, and twice now it has dialed contacts other than the ones I was trying to call. The first time I thought it was just because of a storm that was going over, but the second time? No such excuse. And the GPS on it? Pretty much blows. I swear it is programmed to take me the absolute longest route to anywhere. *sigh* Technology.

  2. I just went to an Ikea last weekend. Saw one driving home from another state. I tried to persuade DH to get some bedroom furniture. Anything is better than what we have now. Anything!

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