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Things that make me panic

First, seeing my big boys all dressed up in ties and dress shirts makes me panic. SO MUCH TO DO, SO LITTLE TIME LEFT! I am proud of them but I would like to add another decade of parenting if I could.



They, on the other hand, were horrified to have to dress like this. It was a requirement for a college class they both take. They had to present powerpoint presentations dressed in business attire.

After their presentations I got a call to pick them up and they said the school was on fire. All casual like that. Don’t worry, they said, the school had not yet been evacuated.  I almost had a heart attack. I FLEW to get them, seeing this HUGE black smoke cloud hovering over their pickup area. I realized when I got there that the fire wasn’t at the school but a shopping area right behind the school. They evacuated the school shortly after we left. Scary!



Parenting – it isn’t for sissies!

2 Comments on “Things that make me panic

  1. Oh. My. Word. That would have given me a heart attack. The fire I mean, not the ties. ;p I *love* seeing my boys in shirts and ties but I’m lucky if it happens even once a year. And yes, they definitely grow up way too fast.

  2. Wow. I don’t get rattled easily but if I saw that smoke cloud as I approached my kids’ school, I’m sure I would have been in a state of panic myself. Glad everything is ok. I hope the guys’ presentations went well.

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